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snippet: This dataset contains the abundance (per m²) and the biomass (mg dry per m²) of macrofauna (≥ 500µm) in eelgrass and adjacent bare soft sediments, collected at...
summary: This dataset contains the abundance (per m²) and the biomass (mg dry per m²) of macrofauna (≥ 500µm) in eelgrass and adjacent bare soft sediments, collected at...
extent: [[-64.9732700002346,43.8687999998028],[-62.7904200000379,44.7458700002699]]
accessInformation: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, NS, Canada B2Y 4A2Pêches et Océans Canada, Institut océanographique de Bedford, P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada B2Y 4A2
_ssl: true
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: <div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p><span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:12pt'>Benthic invertebrates in seagrass and bare soft sediments in Atlantic Nova Scotia</span></p><p><span>This dataset contains the abundance (per m2) and the biomass (mg dry per m2) of macrofauna (&gt; = 500um) in eelgrass and adjacent bare soft sediments, collected at sites in the Atlantic of Nova Scotia from 2009 to 2013.</span></p><p><span>Cite this data as: Wong M.C. Data of Benthic invertebrates in seagrass and bare soft sediments in Atlantic Nova Scotia Published May 2020. Coastal Ecosystems Science Division, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Dartmouth, N.S.</span></p><p><span>_________________________________________</span></p><p><span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:12pt'>Invertébrés benthiques dans les herbiers marins et les sédiments mous nus dans l'Atlantique de la Nouvelle-Écosse</span></p><p><span>Cet ensemble de données contient l'abondance (par m2) et la biomasse (mg sec par m2) de macrofaune (&gt; = 500um) dans les herbiers marins de zostère et les sédiments mous nus adjacents, collectés sur les sites dans l'Atlantique de la Nouvelle-Écosse de 2009 à 2013.</span></p><p><span>Citer ces données comme suit : Wong, M. C. « Data of: Benthic invertebrates in seagrass and bare soft sediments in Atlantic Nova Scotia ». Date de publication : mai 2020. Division des sciences des écosystèmes côtiers, Pêches et Océans Canada, Dartmouth (Nouvelle-Écosse)</span></p><p><span /></p></div></div></div>
licenseInfo: <div style='text-align:Left;'><div><div><p><span>Please refer to the Open Government Licence - Canada</span></p></div></div></div>
title: Benthic_Invertebrates_In_Seagrass_And_Bare_Soft_Sediments_In_Atlantic_Nova_Scotia
type: Map Service
tags: ["Earth Science","Biological Classification","Aquatic Ecosystems","Oceans","Biosphere","North Atlantic Ocean","Scotian Shelf","Biota","classification biologique","sciences de la Terre","océans","Plateau Scotian","Océan Atlantique Nord","faune et flore","Biologie","Diversité biologique","Eaux côtières","Écosystème aquatique"]
culture: en-CA
name: Benthic_Invertebrates_In_Seagrass_And_Bare_Soft_Sediments_In_Atlantic_Nova_Scotia
guid: B4E01413-A7A3-4685-ABE4-74F9DBEB837E
minScale: 0
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere