{ "currentVersion": 10.91, "cimVersion": "2.9.0", "serviceDescription": "

Mean 2014 to 2023 winter surface conditions in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. The survey has been taking place every year in March. Surface conditions are described by temperature, salinity and nutrient concentration (mmol/m3) interpolated on a 10km x 10km grid.<\/SPAN><\/P>


Since many years, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has been conducting annual surveys, at different periods of the year, in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, each having many objectives including assessment of environmental conditions.<\/SPAN><\/P>

However, these surveys, carried out on vessels, did not cover the winter period. Since 1996, a regional monitoring program, conducted by Maurice-Lamontagne Institute scientists, is taking place in order to fill this gap. The annual helicopter survey is undertaken in the beginning of March to evaluate physical oceanographic conditions of waters up to 200 m and surface water nutrient contains.<\/SPAN><\/P>

These surveys are usually sampled from a Canadian Coast Guard helicopter but from an icebreaker in 2016 and 2017.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Data from regional monitoring programs are combined with the ones from the Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) to produce annual reports (physical, biological and a Zonal Scientific Advice) which are available at the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), (<\/SPAN>http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas-sccs/index-eng.htm<\/SPAN><\/A>).<\/SPAN><\/P>

Galbraith, P.S., Chassé, J., Caverhill, C., Nicot, P., Gilbert, D., Pettigrew, B., Lefaivre, D., Brickman, D., Devine, L., and Lafleur, C. 2017. Physical Oceanographic Conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2016. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/044. v + 91 p.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Devine, L., Scarratt, M., Plourde, S., Galbraith, P.S., Michaud, S., and Lehoux, C. 2017. Chemical and Biological Oceanographic Conditions in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence during 2015. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/034. v + 48 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Additional Information<\/SPAN><\/P>

Water sampling for nutrient analysis is done from Niskin bottles according to AZMP sampling protocol:<\/SPAN><\/P>

Mitchell, M. R., Harrison, G., Pauley, K., Gagné, A., Maillet, G., and Strain, P. 2002. Atlantic Zonal Monitoring Program sampling protocol. Can. Tech. Rep. Hydrogr. Ocean Sci. 223: iv + 23 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrate titration is carried out according to the following method ((nitrite + nitrate) \u2013 nitrite):<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrite + nitrate: Armstrong, FAJ, CR Stearns, JDH Strickland (1967) The measurement of upwelling and subsequent biological processes by means of the Technicon Autoanalyzer and associated equipment. Deep-Sea Res 14(3) 381-389.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrite: American Public Health Assoc. (1971) Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 13th edition, pp. 240-243, Washington D.C.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Phosphate: Murphy, J, JP Riley (1962) A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Anal Chim. Acta 27 : 30.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Silicate: Strickland, JDH, TR Parsons (1972) A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis, second edition. Fish Res Board Can, Bulletin 167, 310 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

The surface water temperature and salinity are determined from CTD profiles.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Learn more or download this dataset from the Government of Canada's Open data portal.<\/SPAN><\/A><\/P>

Moyenne, pour les années 2014 à 2023, des conditions hivernales de surface dans l'estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent. Le relevé a eu lieu tous les ans en mars. Les conditions de surface sont décrites par la température, la salinité et la concentration des sels nutritifs (mmol/m3) interpolées sur une grille de 10km x 10 km.<\/SPAN><\/P>


Depuis plusieurs années, le Ministère des Pêches et des Océans (MPO) réalise annuellement des relevés à différentes périodes de l\u2019année dans l\u2019estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent avec plusieurs objectifs, dont celui d\u2019évaluer les conditions environnementales.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Ces relevés, effectués à bord de navires, ne couvraient toutefois pas la période hivernale. Depuis 1996, un effort de monitorage régional, réalisé par les scientifiques de l\u2019Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, vise à combler cette lacune. Le relevé annuel héliporté permet de mesurer les conditions océanographiques physiques jusqu\u2019à 200 m de profondeur et les sels nutritifs de la couche de surface au début du mois de mars.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Ces relevés sont typiquement effectués à partir d\u2019un hélicoptère de la Garde côtière canadienne sauf en 2016 et 2017 où ils ont eu lieu sur un brise-glace.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Les données des programmes de monitorage régionaux sont combinées à celles du Programme de Monitorage de la Zone Atlantique (PMZA) afin de produire des rapports annuels (physique, biologique et un Avis scientifique zonal) qui sont disponibles auprès du Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS), (<\/SPAN>http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas-sccs/index-fra.htm<\/SPAN><\/A>).<\/SPAN><\/P>

Galbraith, P.S., Chassé, J., Caverhill, C., Nicot, P., Gilbert, D., Pettigrew, B., Lefaivre, D., Brickman, D., Devine, L., and Lafleur, C. 2017. Physical Oceanographic Conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2016. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/044. v + 91 p.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Devine, L., Scarratt, M., Plourde, S., Galbraith, P.S., Michaud, S., and Lehoux, C. 2017. Chemical and Biological Oceanographic Conditions in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence during 2015. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/034. v + 48 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Information additionnelle<\/SPAN><\/P>

La récolte de l'eau servant à l'analyse des sels nutritifs se fait à partir de bouteilles Niskin selon le protocole d'échantillonnage du PMZA:<\/SPAN><\/P>

Mitchell, M. R., Harrison, G., Pauley, K., Gagné, A., Maillet, G., and Strain, P. 2002. Atlantic Zonal Monitoring Program sampling protocol. Can. Tech. Rep. Hydrogr. Ocean Sci. 223: iv + 23 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Le dosage du nitrate est effectué selon la méthode suivante ((nitrite + nitrate) \u2013 nitrite):<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrite + nitrate: Armstrong, FAJ, CR Stearns, JDH Strickland (1967) The measurement of upwelling and subsequent biological processes by means of the Technicon Autoanalyzer and associated equipment. Deep-Sea Res 14(3) 381-389.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrite: American Public Health Assoc. (1971) Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 13th edition, pp. 240-243, Washington D.C.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Phosphate: Murphy, J, JP Riley (1962) A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Anal Chim. Acta 27 : 30.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Silicate: Strickland, JDH, TR Parsons (1972) A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis, second edition. Fish Res Board Can, Bulletin 167, 310 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

La température et la salinité de surface sont déterminées à partir d'un profil CTD.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Apprenez-en plus ou téléchargez cet ensemble de données à partir du portail de données ouvertes du gouvernement du Canada.<\/SPAN><\/A><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "mapName": "Winter_surface_conditions_Helicopter_Survey", "description": "

Mean 2014 to 2023 winter surface conditions in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. The survey has been taking place every year in March. Surface conditions are described by temperature, salinity and nutrient concentration (mmol/m3) interpolated on a 10km x 10km grid.<\/SPAN><\/P>


Since many years, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has been conducting annual surveys, at different periods of the year, in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, each having many objectives including assessment of environmental conditions.<\/SPAN><\/P>

However, these surveys, carried out on vessels, did not cover the winter period. Since 1996, a regional monitoring program, conducted by Maurice-Lamontagne Institute scientists, is taking place in order to fill this gap. The annual helicopter survey is undertaken in the beginning of March to evaluate physical oceanographic conditions of waters up to 200 m and surface water nutrient contains.<\/SPAN><\/P>

These surveys are usually sampled from a Canadian Coast Guard helicopter but from an icebreaker in 2016 and 2017.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Data from regional monitoring programs are combined with the ones from the Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) to produce annual reports (physical, biological and a Zonal Scientific Advice) which are available at the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), (<\/SPAN>http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas-sccs/index-eng.htm<\/SPAN><\/A>).<\/SPAN><\/P>

Galbraith, P.S., Chassé, J., Caverhill, C., Nicot, P., Gilbert, D., Pettigrew, B., Lefaivre, D., Brickman, D., Devine, L., and Lafleur, C. 2017. Physical Oceanographic Conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2016. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/044. v + 91 p.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Devine, L., Scarratt, M., Plourde, S., Galbraith, P.S., Michaud, S., and Lehoux, C. 2017. Chemical and Biological Oceanographic Conditions in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence during 2015. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/034. v + 48 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Additional Information<\/SPAN><\/P>

Water sampling for nutrient analysis is done from Niskin bottles according to AZMP sampling protocol:<\/SPAN><\/P>

Mitchell, M. R., Harrison, G., Pauley, K., Gagné, A., Maillet, G., and Strain, P. 2002. Atlantic Zonal Monitoring Program sampling protocol. Can. Tech. Rep. Hydrogr. Ocean Sci. 223: iv + 23 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrate titration is carried out according to the following method ((nitrite + nitrate) \u2013 nitrite):<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrite + nitrate: Armstrong, FAJ, CR Stearns, JDH Strickland (1967) The measurement of upwelling and subsequent biological processes by means of the Technicon Autoanalyzer and associated equipment. Deep-Sea Res 14(3) 381-389.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrite: American Public Health Assoc. (1971) Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 13th edition, pp. 240-243, Washington D.C.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Phosphate: Murphy, J, JP Riley (1962) A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Anal Chim. Acta 27 : 30.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Silicate: Strickland, JDH, TR Parsons (1972) A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis, second edition. Fish Res Board Can, Bulletin 167, 310 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

The surface water temperature and salinity are determined from CTD profiles.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Learn more or download this dataset from the Government of Canada's Open data portal.<\/SPAN><\/A><\/P>

Moyenne, pour les années 2014 à 2023, des conditions hivernales de surface dans l'estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent. Le relevé a eu lieu tous les ans en mars. Les conditions de surface sont décrites par la température, la salinité et la concentration des sels nutritifs (mmol/m3) interpolées sur une grille de 10km x 10 km.<\/SPAN><\/P>


Depuis plusieurs années, le Ministère des Pêches et des Océans (MPO) réalise annuellement des relevés à différentes périodes de l\u2019année dans l\u2019estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent avec plusieurs objectifs, dont celui d\u2019évaluer les conditions environnementales.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Ces relevés, effectués à bord de navires, ne couvraient toutefois pas la période hivernale. Depuis 1996, un effort de monitorage régional, réalisé par les scientifiques de l\u2019Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, vise à combler cette lacune. Le relevé annuel héliporté permet de mesurer les conditions océanographiques physiques jusqu\u2019à 200 m de profondeur et les sels nutritifs de la couche de surface au début du mois de mars.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Ces relevés sont typiquement effectués à partir d\u2019un hélicoptère de la Garde côtière canadienne sauf en 2016 et 2017 où ils ont eu lieu sur un brise-glace.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Les données des programmes de monitorage régionaux sont combinées à celles du Programme de Monitorage de la Zone Atlantique (PMZA) afin de produire des rapports annuels (physique, biologique et un Avis scientifique zonal) qui sont disponibles auprès du Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS), (<\/SPAN>http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas-sccs/index-fra.htm<\/SPAN><\/A>).<\/SPAN><\/P>

Galbraith, P.S., Chassé, J., Caverhill, C., Nicot, P., Gilbert, D., Pettigrew, B., Lefaivre, D., Brickman, D., Devine, L., and Lafleur, C. 2017. Physical Oceanographic Conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2016. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/044. v + 91 p.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Devine, L., Scarratt, M., Plourde, S., Galbraith, P.S., Michaud, S., and Lehoux, C. 2017. Chemical and Biological Oceanographic Conditions in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence during 2015. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/034. v + 48 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Information additionnelle<\/SPAN><\/P>

La récolte de l'eau servant à l'analyse des sels nutritifs se fait à partir de bouteilles Niskin selon le protocole d'échantillonnage du PMZA:<\/SPAN><\/P>

Mitchell, M. R., Harrison, G., Pauley, K., Gagné, A., Maillet, G., and Strain, P. 2002. Atlantic Zonal Monitoring Program sampling protocol. Can. Tech. Rep. Hydrogr. Ocean Sci. 223: iv + 23 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Le dosage du nitrate est effectué selon la méthode suivante ((nitrite + nitrate) \u2013 nitrite):<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrite + nitrate: Armstrong, FAJ, CR Stearns, JDH Strickland (1967) The measurement of upwelling and subsequent biological processes by means of the Technicon Autoanalyzer and associated equipment. Deep-Sea Res 14(3) 381-389.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrite: American Public Health Assoc. (1971) Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 13th edition, pp. 240-243, Washington D.C.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Phosphate: Murphy, J, JP Riley (1962) A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Anal Chim. Acta 27 : 30.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Silicate: Strickland, JDH, TR Parsons (1972) A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis, second edition. Fish Res Board Can, Bulletin 167, 310 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

La température et la salinité de surface sont déterminées à partir d'un profil CTD.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Apprenez-en plus ou téléchargez cet ensemble de données à partir du portail de données ouvertes du gouvernement du Canada.<\/SPAN><\/A><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "copyrightText": "Government of Canada; Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Sciences/Scientific Advice, Information and Support Branch / Gouvernement du Canada; Pêches et Océans Canada; Sciences/Direction des avis, information et soutien scientifique", "supportsDynamicLayers": true, "layers": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Temperature / Température", "parentLayerId": -1, "defaultVisibility": true, "subLayerIds": null, "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "type": "Feature Layer", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "supportsDynamicLegends": true }, { "id": 1, "name": "Salinity / Salinité", "parentLayerId": -1, "defaultVisibility": true, "subLayerIds": null, "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "type": "Feature Layer", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "supportsDynamicLegends": true }, { "id": 2, "name": "Nitrate", "parentLayerId": -1, "defaultVisibility": true, "subLayerIds": null, "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "type": "Feature Layer", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "supportsDynamicLegends": true }, { "id": 3, "name": "Phosphate", "parentLayerId": -1, "defaultVisibility": true, "subLayerIds": null, "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "type": "Feature Layer", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "supportsDynamicLegends": true }, { "id": 4, "name": "Silicate", "parentLayerId": -1, "defaultVisibility": true, "subLayerIds": null, "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "type": "Feature Layer", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "supportsDynamicLegends": true } ], "tables": [], "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -20037700, "falseY": -30241100, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 }, "singleFusedMapCache": false, "initialExtent": { "xmin": -7818163.414968809, "ymin": 5542105.644631257, "xmax": -6103021.8971655145, "ymax": 6998921.54448672, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -20037700, "falseY": -30241100, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 } }, "fullExtent": { "xmin": -7707404.183756539, "ymin": 5673779.522401074, "xmax": -6276851.841186739, "ymax": 6837802.942379385, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 102100, "latestWkid": 3857, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -20037700, "falseY": -30241100, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 } }, "datesInUnknownTimezone": false, "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "units": "esriMeters", "supportedImageFormatTypes": "PNG32,PNG24,PNG,JPG,DIB,TIFF,EMF,PS,PDF,GIF,SVG,SVGZ,BMP", "documentInfo": { "Title": "Winter surface conditions \u2013 Helicopter survey / Conditions hivernales de surface \u2013 Relevé héliporté", "Author": "", "Comments": "

Mean 2014 to 2023 winter surface conditions in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. The survey has been taking place every year in March. Surface conditions are described by temperature, salinity and nutrient concentration (mmol/m3) interpolated on a 10km x 10km grid.<\/SPAN><\/P>


Since many years, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has been conducting annual surveys, at different periods of the year, in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, each having many objectives including assessment of environmental conditions.<\/SPAN><\/P>

However, these surveys, carried out on vessels, did not cover the winter period. Since 1996, a regional monitoring program, conducted by Maurice-Lamontagne Institute scientists, is taking place in order to fill this gap. The annual helicopter survey is undertaken in the beginning of March to evaluate physical oceanographic conditions of waters up to 200 m and surface water nutrient contains.<\/SPAN><\/P>

These surveys are usually sampled from a Canadian Coast Guard helicopter but from an icebreaker in 2016 and 2017.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Data from regional monitoring programs are combined with the ones from the Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) to produce annual reports (physical, biological and a Zonal Scientific Advice) which are available at the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS), (<\/SPAN>http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas-sccs/index-eng.htm<\/SPAN><\/A>).<\/SPAN><\/P>

Galbraith, P.S., Chassé, J., Caverhill, C., Nicot, P., Gilbert, D., Pettigrew, B., Lefaivre, D., Brickman, D., Devine, L., and Lafleur, C. 2017. Physical Oceanographic Conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2016. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/044. v + 91 p.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Devine, L., Scarratt, M., Plourde, S., Galbraith, P.S., Michaud, S., and Lehoux, C. 2017. Chemical and Biological Oceanographic Conditions in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence during 2015. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/034. v + 48 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Additional Information<\/SPAN><\/P>

Water sampling for nutrient analysis is done from Niskin bottles according to AZMP sampling protocol:<\/SPAN><\/P>

Mitchell, M. R., Harrison, G., Pauley, K., Gagné, A., Maillet, G., and Strain, P. 2002. Atlantic Zonal Monitoring Program sampling protocol. Can. Tech. Rep. Hydrogr. Ocean Sci. 223: iv + 23 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrate titration is carried out according to the following method ((nitrite + nitrate) \u2013 nitrite):<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrite + nitrate: Armstrong, FAJ, CR Stearns, JDH Strickland (1967) The measurement of upwelling and subsequent biological processes by means of the Technicon Autoanalyzer and associated equipment. Deep-Sea Res 14(3) 381-389.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrite: American Public Health Assoc. (1971) Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 13th edition, pp. 240-243, Washington D.C.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Phosphate: Murphy, J, JP Riley (1962) A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Anal Chim. Acta 27 : 30.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Silicate: Strickland, JDH, TR Parsons (1972) A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis, second edition. Fish Res Board Can, Bulletin 167, 310 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

The surface water temperature and salinity are determined from CTD profiles.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Learn more or download this dataset from the Government of Canada's Open data portal.<\/SPAN><\/A><\/P>

Moyenne, pour les années 2014 à 2023, des conditions hivernales de surface dans l'estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent. Le relevé a eu lieu tous les ans en mars. Les conditions de surface sont décrites par la température, la salinité et la concentration des sels nutritifs (mmol/m3) interpolées sur une grille de 10km x 10 km.<\/SPAN><\/P>


Depuis plusieurs années, le Ministère des Pêches et des Océans (MPO) réalise annuellement des relevés à différentes périodes de l\u2019année dans l\u2019estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent avec plusieurs objectifs, dont celui d\u2019évaluer les conditions environnementales.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Ces relevés, effectués à bord de navires, ne couvraient toutefois pas la période hivernale. Depuis 1996, un effort de monitorage régional, réalisé par les scientifiques de l\u2019Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, vise à combler cette lacune. Le relevé annuel héliporté permet de mesurer les conditions océanographiques physiques jusqu\u2019à 200 m de profondeur et les sels nutritifs de la couche de surface au début du mois de mars.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Ces relevés sont typiquement effectués à partir d\u2019un hélicoptère de la Garde côtière canadienne sauf en 2016 et 2017 où ils ont eu lieu sur un brise-glace.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Les données des programmes de monitorage régionaux sont combinées à celles du Programme de Monitorage de la Zone Atlantique (PMZA) afin de produire des rapports annuels (physique, biologique et un Avis scientifique zonal) qui sont disponibles auprès du Secrétariat canadien de consultation scientifique (SCCS), (<\/SPAN>http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/csas-sccs/index-fra.htm<\/SPAN><\/A>).<\/SPAN><\/P>

Galbraith, P.S., Chassé, J., Caverhill, C., Nicot, P., Gilbert, D., Pettigrew, B., Lefaivre, D., Brickman, D., Devine, L., and Lafleur, C. 2017. Physical Oceanographic Conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in 2016. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/044. v + 91 p.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Devine, L., Scarratt, M., Plourde, S., Galbraith, P.S., Michaud, S., and Lehoux, C. 2017. Chemical and Biological Oceanographic Conditions in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence during 2015. DFO Can. Sci. Advis. Sec. Res. Doc. 2017/034. v + 48 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Information additionnelle<\/SPAN><\/P>

La récolte de l'eau servant à l'analyse des sels nutritifs se fait à partir de bouteilles Niskin selon le protocole d'échantillonnage du PMZA:<\/SPAN><\/P>

Mitchell, M. R., Harrison, G., Pauley, K., Gagné, A., Maillet, G., and Strain, P. 2002. Atlantic Zonal Monitoring Program sampling protocol. Can. Tech. Rep. Hydrogr. Ocean Sci. 223: iv + 23 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Le dosage du nitrate est effectué selon la méthode suivante ((nitrite + nitrate) \u2013 nitrite):<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrite + nitrate: Armstrong, FAJ, CR Stearns, JDH Strickland (1967) The measurement of upwelling and subsequent biological processes by means of the Technicon Autoanalyzer and associated equipment. Deep-Sea Res 14(3) 381-389.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Nitrite: American Public Health Assoc. (1971) Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 13th edition, pp. 240-243, Washington D.C.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Phosphate: Murphy, J, JP Riley (1962) A modified single solution method for the determination of phosphate in natural waters. Anal Chim. Acta 27 : 30.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Silicate: Strickland, JDH, TR Parsons (1972) A Practical Handbook of Seawater Analysis, second edition. Fish Res Board Can, Bulletin 167, 310 pp.<\/SPAN><\/P>

La température et la salinité de surface sont déterminées à partir d'un profil CTD.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Apprenez-en plus ou téléchargez cet ensemble de données à partir du portail de données ouvertes du gouvernement du Canada.<\/SPAN><\/A><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "Subject": "Mean 2014 to 2023 winter surface conditions in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. The survey has been taking place every year in March. Surface conditions are described by temperature, salinity and nutrient concentration (mmol/m3) interpolated on a 10km x 10km grid. / Moyenne, pour les années 2014 à 2023, des conditions hivernales de surface dans l'estuaire et le golfe du Saint-Laurent. Le relevé a eu lieu tous les ans en mars. Les conditions de surface sont décrites par la température, la salinité et la concentration des sels nutritifs (mmol/m3) interpolées sur une grille de 10km x 10 km.", "Category": "", "AntialiasingMode": "None", "TextAntialiasingMode": "Force", "Version": "2.9.0", "Keywords": "Nitrate,Phosphate,Silicate,Nutrients,Ocean Temperature,Water Temperature,Salinity,Sea Surface Temperature,St. Lawrence Estuary,Gulf of St. Lawrence,Earth sciences,Oceanography,Oceans,Salt water,Physics,Temperature,Surface water,nitrate,phosphate,silicate,éléments nutritifs,température océanique,température de l'eau,salinité,température de la surface de la me,Estuaire du Saint-Laurent,Golfe du Saint-Laurent,Sciences de la terre,Océanographie,Océan,Eau salée,Physique,Température,Eau de surface." }, "supportsQueryDomains": true, "capabilities": "Map,Query,Data", "supportedQueryFormats": "JSON, geoJSON, PBF", "exportTilesAllowed": false, "referenceScale": 0.0, "datumTransformations": [ { "geoTransforms": [ { "wkid": 8088, "latestWkid": 1188, "transformForward": true, "name": "NAD_1983_To_WGS_1984_1" } ] }, { "geoTransforms": [ { "wkid": 8088, "latestWkid": 1188, "transformForward": false, "name": "NAD_1983_To_WGS_1984_1" } ] } ], "supportsDatumTransformation": true, "floorAwareMapProperties": { "defaultFloorFilterSettings": {"isEnabled": true} }, "archivingInfo": {"supportsHistoricMoment": false}, "supportsClipping": true, "supportsSpatialFilter": true, "supportsTimeRelation": true, "supportsQueryDataElements": true, "maxRecordCount": 2000, "maxImageHeight": 4096, "maxImageWidth": 4096, "supportedExtensions": "", "serviceItemId": "0ccb58c7eac84dbaa83ca8ec88fdeac9" }