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"name": "Reduce hypoxic conditions in lentic waters, wetlands, slow moving streams by addressing excess nutrients in runoff and headwaters." } ] }, "name": "subgoal_sn", "length": 255, "alias": "Select One Sediment and Nutrients Sub-Goal:", "type": "esriFieldTypeString" }, { "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": null, "name": "other_goal_point", "length": 255, "alias": "Please Specify your \"Other\" Restoration Goal:", "type": "esriFieldTypeString" }, { "nullable": true, "editable": true, "defaultValue": null, "domain": { "name": "service_ab5fe08e373a4099bc7aea50ec9958b3_cvd_timeframe", "type": "codedValue", "codedValues": [ { "code": "current", "name": "Ongoing restoration project" }, { "code": "future", "name": "Planned restoration project" }, { "code": "broken", "name": "Damaged/poor quality area for a possible restoration project" }, { "code": "other", "name": "Other" } ] }, "name": "timeframe", "length": 255, "alias": "What is the timeframe associated 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