{ "culture": "en-CA", "name": "PlacentiaBay_NearshoreFishCommunitySampling", "guid": "FEBED2CC-AFB4-402E-B90F-5C2B8AD6A9E2", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The objective of this program was to collect data on juvenile fish (specifically Atlantic cod) communities and habitats within Placentia Bay/L\u2019objectif de ce programme était de recueillir des données sur les communautés et les habitats de poissons juvéniles (en particulier la morue de l\u2019Atlantique) dans la baie Placentia.", "description": "
This project was completed by the Coastal Environmental Baseline Program (Coastal and Freshwater Ecology Section) in the Newfoundland and Labrador Science Branch of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). The nearshore fish and invertebrate community was sampled annually in Placentia Bay at 14 sites for 5 years (2018 \u2013 2022). The objective of this program was to collect data on juvenile fish (specifically Atlantic cod) communities and habitats within Placentia Bay. The sites and timing (October) were selected based on historical sampling. There were several data types collected during each of these sampling trips. Boat-based beach seining was used to collect data on fish and invertebrate diversity, abundance, distribution, and size. Visual transects were used to identify vegetation and substrate (habitat) types and proportions at seine sites. CTD profiles (temperature, conductivity, depth, and salinity) were obtained using a castaway CTD. Finally, eDNA samples were collected at each site (2018-2021) to obtain complementary information on the presence of juvenile fish and other species present. This record contains the geographic locations of the 14 sites, and information on the timing and type of data collected at each site.<\/SPAN><\/P>