{ "culture": "en-CA", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "The ShoreZone program is a partnership of scientists, GIS specialists, web specialists, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies. Please see ShoreZone.org or CoastalAndOceans.com for a list of partner agencies and related web sites. The ShoreZone mapping system provides a spatial framework for coastal habitat assessment on local and regional scales. Research and practical applications of ShoreZone coastal mapping data and imagery include: linking habitat use and life-history strategy of nearshore fish and other intertidal organisms; habitat capability modeling (for example, to predict the spread of invasive species or the distribution of beaches appropriate for fish spawning); ground-truthing of aerial data on smaller spatial scales; natural resource planning and environmental hazard mitigation; and public use for recreation, education, outreach, and conservation.", "description": "

This data set is a polygon file mapping the location of Sensitive Habitat ShoreZone BioBands. The polygons correspond with data records found in the BioBand table of this Geodatabase. Due to a complex one-to-many relationship, this polygon file links to the \"Sensitive_Habitat_ID\" table through the \"Sen_Hab_ID\" field. From there the data can be linked onto the Unit_Lines feature class and the other ShoreZone data tables. Basic definitions of table fields are provided in this metadata, but the user is referred to the \"lookup\" and \"definition\" tables in the ShoreZone Coastal Imaging & Habitat Mapping Protocol (2017)<\/SPAN>available online at ShoreZone.org or at CoastalAndOceans.com. ShoreZone is a coastal habitat mapping and classification system in which georeferenced aerial imagery is collected specifically for the interpretation and integration of geomorphic and biological features of the intertidal zone and nearshore environment. Oblique low-altitude aerial video and digital still imagery of the coastal zone is collected during the lowest tides of the year, usually from a helicopter flying at or below 100 m altitude. During image collection, the aircraft's GPS position is continuously recorded so that the video and still imagery have positional information. Video imagery is accompanied by continuous, simultaneous commentary by a geologist and a biologist aboard the aircraft. The imagery and commentary are used in the definition of discrete along-shore coastal habitat units and the mapping of observed physical, geomorphic, sedimentary, and biological across-shore components within those units. Units are digitized as shoreline segments in ArcGIS, then integrated with the along-shore and across-shore geological and biological data attribute tables housed in the geodatabase. Mapped habitat features include degree of wave exposure, substrate type, sediment texture, intertidal biota, and some nearshore subtidal biota.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "summary": "The ShoreZone program is a partnership of scientists, GIS specialists, web specialists, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies. Please see ShoreZone.org or CoastalAndOceans.com for a list of partner agencies and related web sites. The ShoreZone mapping system provides a spatial framework for coastal habitat assessment on local and regional scales. Research and practical applications of ShoreZone coastal mapping data and imagery include: linking habitat use and life-history strategy of nearshore fish and other intertidal organisms; habitat capability modeling (for example, to predict the spread of invasive species or the distribution of beaches appropriate for fish spawning); ground-truthing of aerial data on smaller spatial scales; natural resource planning and environmental hazard mitigation; and public use for recreation, education, outreach, and conservation.", "title": "CORI_BritishColumbia_Eelgrass_Aerial_Satellite_Images_2014_2019", "tags": [ "intertidal", "biology", "coastal", "nearshore", "ShoreZone", "unit", "mapping", "British Columbia", "geology" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 150000000, "maxScale": 5000, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "The ShoreZone Coastal Habitat Mapping Program is supported by a partnership of federal, state, provincial, local, and private agencies. Project management, mapping, and master database maintenance is the responsibility of Coastal and Ocean Resources, Inc. in Victoria, British Columbia. Please see ShoreZone.org or CoastalAndOceans.com for a list of partner agencies and related web sites.", "licenseInfo": "

To effectively and appropriately use ShoreZone data, the user shall refer to the ShoreZone Coastal Imaging & Habitat Mapping Protocol (2017)<\/SPAN>available at ShoreZone.org and at www.CoastalAndOceans.com. Data provided are derived from large, regional databases that are continually being updated and modified. The accuracy of some information is subject to change. Any published data sets utilizing ShoreZone products (printed, digital, or online) shall clearly indicate their source. If the user has modified the data in any way, the user is obligated to describe the types of modifications performed. The user specifically agrees not to misrepresent these data, nor to imply that changes made were approved by the ShoreZone program or its partners. Please refer to \"Data Quality\" metadata for information on attribute accuracy.<\/SPAN><\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>" }