{ "culture": "en-CA", "name": "Community_Aquatic_Monitoring_Program_Data", "guid": "5DF37F0D-2BC0-4017-A04A-390388982B4B", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Each summer, environmental community groups collect important data to determine if groupings of fish, shrimp and crab \u2013 what is called a community- can be used as an indicator of the health status of bays and estuaries. From June through August, community group members and staff sample six stations once a month in their designated estuary. / Durant l'été de chaque année, des groupes communautaires environnementaux recueillent des données importantes pour tester si les regroupements (ce que l\u2019on appelle la communauté) de poissons, crevettes et crabes peuvent être utilisés comme un indicateur de l'état de santé actuel des baies et des estuaires. C'est ainsi qu'une fois par mois, de juin à août, des membres du personnel et des groupes communautaires prélèvent des échantillons à six endroits différents dans leur estuaire désigné.", "description": "

Each summer, environmental community groups collect important data to determine if groupings of fish, shrimp and crab \u2013 what is called a community- can be used as an indicator of the health status of bays and estuaries. From June through August, community group members and staff sample six stations once a month in their designated estuary.<\/SPAN><\/P>

Fish, shrimps and crabs are collected with a beach seine net and later released live back to the water once identified and counted. From this, the community groups provide important information to DFO, including:<\/SPAN><\/P>